Entitled? Egotistical? OR EMBARRASSED?

Life in Mérida

June 4, 2024 Newsletter

Entitled? Egotistical? OR EMBARRASSED?

I watch social media, usually from afar. The number of people moving to Mexico increases daily, as does the number of questions they ask. Some ask the same questions repeatedly - trying aimlessly to get the right answers from a slew of snarky, facetious people with only a fraction of authentic answers. Then half or more of these answers are wrong, aren't current, or don't apply. It honestly blows my mind how people research the most important move of their lives on social media. They don't want to pay for a transition expert (like us) but want to complain when things go wrong, when they are "gringo-priced," or when they can't find a service provider that speaks English.

It's one of those things that I'll never be able to understand. And, as Angel says, "Trying to understand will just make you more frustrated."

Recently, I saw this Facebook post on the group Retiring in Mexico, "Some Mexican friends here recently asked me, why is it that when americanos come up to you in a store or on the street, to ask me a question, they automatically ask in English? Do they expect everyone here to understand or assume so? In that case, it seems more polite, when asking directions etc to first give a greeting, and then ask if they speak English before assuming so because it appears egocentric or a little entitled."

Here are a few of the responses (grab your popcorn and a glass of wine):

  • people that do this drive me crazy! I was recently in a didi with some american friends, I asked if the driver spoke english, he said no, but my friend continued to talk to the driver the next 15 minutes in english. lol
  • This reminds me of an old joke: What do you call a person that speaks 3 languages? A trilingual.What do you call a person that speaks two languages? A bilingual. What do you call a person that speaks only one language? An American.
  • I was born and raised in the U. S. It’s that last bit, entitlement! And it’s not just in Mexico, noooo,It’s all over the world they do it.
  • We are raised to believe that the US is the epicenter of the globe, not unlike most organized religions believing that earth is the epicenter of the universe!
  • Sadly, there is an assumption. I’ve travelled all over the world and it’s always sad when I’m in a Spanish speaking country like Mexico and the American assumes that even though they are in Mexico that the Mexican national speakers English. I’ve had to interject and translate due to that assumption. I’m curious to know why the assumed thinks if you keep raising your voice that it translates to Spanish. In today’s technical world, this should not happen.Be kind travellers.
  • Anyone who does this would be the same one who would be deeply offended if someone approached them on the streets of America speaking Spanish.

Speaking of using the term American . . . this is something to be aware of as well:

There may be instances where the term "American" is used in a way that is offensive or insensitive to Mexicans. It is important to note that the term "American" is often used to refer specifically to people from the United States, which can be seen as excluding other countries in the Americas, including Mexico. This can lead to feelings of exclusion or marginalization among Mexicans and other Latin American populations.

Additionally, the term "American" has been used historically to assert dominance and privilege of the United States over other countries in the Americas. This can contribute to a sense of cultural imperialism and erasure of the diverse identities and cultures within the region. It is crucial to be mindful of the context and usage of the term "American" to avoid unintentionally causing offense or perpetuating stereotypes. Using more inclusive language, such as "North American" or "United States citizen," can help to acknowledge the diversity of the Americas and promote a more inclusive and respectful dialogue.

I recently learned this from Angel who politely asked me to stop using the term American when referring to people from the United States. Now, you know . . . .

For more information on culture and cultural sensitivity:

- Do’s and Don’ts for Expats in Mérida

- What is the culture in Mérida like?

There's a growing concern from locals and those that have lived here for some time about these and other issues. As one of our Mexican friends tells me very often, "Your amigos left the U.S. for various reasons - assuming they didn't like what was happening there. Now that they are here, they are creating the same problems they were trying to escape. No matter how long a foreigner has lived here, they are still visitors in our country. All we ask is respect and to be treated accordingly."

Hasta Luego!

Amy & Angel

Inspiration, insight, and answers to all things Mérida!


U.S. +1 901.257.9209

MEX +52 999.192.6197

GRUPO LA VIDA EN MÉRIDA, SRL DE CV | Calle 27 #229 Local 2 , Miguel Aleman 97148, Mérida Yucatán
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Hola! I'm Amy

Inspiration, insight, and answers to all things Mérida!

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